A reappraisal of Mapuche textile production and sheep raising during the nineteenth century
- Autor: Manuel Llorca-Jaña
Volume 47-1, pp. 91-111 - Fecha Publicación: 2014
The real wages and living conditions of construction workers in Santiago de Chile during the later colonial period, 1788-1808
- Autor: Manuel Llorca-Jana and Juan Navarrete-Montalvo
Investigaciones de Historia Económica - Economic History Research
Volume 11, Issue 2, Pages 80-90 - Fecha Publicación: 2015
British merchants in new markets: the case of Wylie and Hancock in Brazil and the River Plate, c.1808-1820
- Autor: Manuel Llorca-Jaña
Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History
Volume 44 - Fecha Publicación: 2014
The impact of ‘early’ nineteenth-century globalization on foreign trade in the Southern Cone: a study of British trade statistics
- Autor: Manuel Llorca-Jaña
Investigaciones de Historia Económica-Economic History Research
Volume 10-1 - Fecha Publicación: 2014
Entrepreneurs shaping globalization in the early nineteenth century: the experience of London merchant-bankers
- Autor: Manuel Llorca-Jaña
Business History Review
Volume 88-2 - Fecha Publicación: 2014
Optimal government regulations and red tape in an economy with corruption
- Autor: Mendez, F. and Sepúlveda, F.
Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics
Vol. 54, Issue 1, Pp.: 51-77 - Fecha Publicación: 2013
Oil prices: Breaks and trends
- Autor: Noguera, José
- Revista: Energy Economics vol. 37, pp. 143-168
- Fecha Publicación: 2013
Adverse Shocks and Economic Insecurity: Evidence from Chile and Mexico
- Autor: Espinoza, J., Friedman, J. and Yevenes, C..
- Revista: Review of Income and Wealth (forthcoming)
- Fecha Publicación: 2013
Stochastic transit equilibrium
- Autor: C. Cortés, P. Jara-Moroni, E. Moreno, C. Pineda
- Revista: Stochastic transit equilibrium. Transportation Research Part B, DOI: 10.1016/j.trb.2013.02.001
- Fecha Publicación: 2013
Determining public provision of education services in a sequential education process
- Autor: Romero G.
- Revista: The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, Vol. 12, Issue 1, ISSN (Online) 1935-1682, DOI: 10.1515/1935-1682.3079
- Fecha Publicación: 2013
Rationalizability in games with a continuum of players
- Autor: Jara-Moroni P.
- Revista: Games and Economic Behavior, Volume 75, Issue 2, Pages 668-684
- Fecha Publicación: 2012
What circumstances lead a government to promote brain drain?
- Autor: Romero G.
- Revista: Journal of Economics, Vol. 108, Issue 2, 173-202, March 2013. Online: DOI: 10.1007/s00712-012-0272-x
- Fecha Publicación: 2012
The cyclicality of skill acquisition: evidence from panel data
- Autor: Mendez F., and Sepúlveda F.
- Revista: American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 4(3): 128–52
- Fecha Publicación: 2012
Pension fund taxation and risk-taking: should we switch from the EET to the TEE regime?
- Autor: Romaniuk K.
- Revista: Annals of Finance DOI: 10.1007/s10436-012-0204-3
- Fecha Publicación: 2012
Expectational coordination in simple economic contexts
- Autor: Guesnerie R., and Jara-Moroni P.
- Revista: Economic Theory, Springer, vol. 47(2), pages 205-246.
- Fecha Publicación: 2011
FDI vs. Exports in a General Equilibrium Ricardian Model with Bertrand Competition
- Autor: Noguera J, and Pecchenino R.
- Revista: Economic Records, Volume 87, Issue 278, pages 438–448
- Fecha Publicación: 2011
Barter, Centralized Merchants and the Geographical Spread
- Autor: Noguera J.
- Revista: Papers in Regional Science. Volume 89, Number 1.
- Fecha Publicación: 2011
Training and productivity. Evidence for US manufacturing industries
- Autor: Sepúlveda F.
- Revista: Oxford Economic Papers, vol. 62, No 3, pp. 504-528
- Fecha Publicación: 2010
What do we talk about when we talk about corruption?
- Autor: Mendez, F., and Sepúlveda F.
- Revista: Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, vol. 26, No.3, pp. 493-514.
- Fecha Publicación: 2010
Dinámica No Lineal en el Mercado Accionario Chileno: Evidencia de Retornos y Volúmenes Transados
- Autor: Aranda R., y Jaramillo P.
- Revista: Revista de Economía Chilena, Vol. 13, No. 3
- Fecha Publicación: 2010
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Green taxes and double dividends in a dynamic economy
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- Revista: Journal of Policy Modeling, vol. 30, No 1,
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